Table of Contents


FIXME This instructions are for Linux and Mac OS X. Windows might need something else.


Set up

Full, fresh source

Most up to date copy of PHPTAL's code can be found in SVN repository: Use this code rather than one provided in releases:

  svn co phptal


PHPTAL has a big tests suite that helps you ensure that your changes don't break anything (this is very helpful). To run the tests you'll need to install PHPUnit:

  pear channel-discover
  pear install phpunit/PHPUnit

If you're getting permission errors, run each command with sudo. If that doesn't work, you can install PHPUnit manually.

To run tests, execute:

 php tests/run-test.php


If you've made a change you'd like to share (and get accepted into official PHPTAL distribution):

 svn diff > my_awesome_change.patch