====== Hacking ====== FIXME This instructions are for Linux and Mac OS X. Windows might need something else. '" ===== Set up ===== ==== Full, fresh source ==== Most up to date copy of PHPTAL's code can be found in SVN repository: ''https://svn.motion-twin.com/phptal/trunk''. Use this code rather than one provided in releases: svn co https://svn.motion-twin.com/phptal/trunk phptal ==== Tests ==== PHPTAL has a big tests suite that helps you ensure that your changes don't break anything (this is //very// helpful). To run the tests you'll need to install [[http://www.phpunit.de/|PHPUnit]]: pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de pear install phpunit/PHPUnit If you're getting permission errors, run each command with ''sudo''. If that doesn't work, you can [[http://www.phpunit.de/manual/current/en/installation.html|install PHPUnit manually]]. To run tests, execute: php tests/run-test.php ===== Patches ===== If you've made a change you'd like to share (and get accepted into official PHPTAL distribution): * Ensure all tests pass. * Create patch by running following command in directory with PHPTAL code: svn diff > my_awesome_change.patch * Send the patch to [[http://phptal.org/contact.html|mailing list or PHPTAL's maintainer]].