Using Translator in PHP

require_once 'PHPTAL.php';
require_once 'PHPTAL/GetTextTranslator.php';

try {
    $tr = new PHPTAL_GetTextTranslator();

    // set language to use for this session (first valid language will
    // be used)
    $tr->setLanguage('en_GB.utf8', 'en_GB');

    // register gettext domain to use
    $tr->addDomain('mydomain', '/path/to/your/translation_root');

    // specify current domain

    $tpl = new PHPTAL('mytemplate.xhtml');

    // tell PHPTAL to use our translator

    // output translated template
    echo $tpl->execute();
catch (Exception $e){
    echo $e;

If you need to translate some other text, that is not in the template (e.g. plaintext e-mail message), you can reuse PHPTAL's translator:

$tr = $tpl->getTranslator();

$subject = $tr->translate("Registration information");

$message = $tr->translate("Dear ${user}, thanks for registering!");

mail($email, $subject, $message);

If you're using PHPTAL's standard gettext translator, you can use gettext() too.