interface PHPTAL_Filter

This interface allows you to create filters for processing result of template execution. Post filters are set using setPostFilter() method.

Post filters are invoked after each template execution.


If your filter is slow, try using pre filter instead, which is executed only once before template is compiled.

Result of template processing (with values of all variables and no TAL markup) will be passed to your filter's filter() method:

require_once 'PHPTAL.php';

class MyPreFilter implements PHPTAL_Filter {
    public function filter($source){
        return $source;

class MyPostFilter implements PHPTAL_Filter {
    public function filter($xhtml){
        return $xhtml;

$tpl = new PHPTAL('mytemplate.xhtml');
$tpl->setPostFilter(new MyPostFilter());
echo $tpl->execute();

Multiple post filters

You can set only one post filter using setPostFilter(). If you have more than one filter to chain, you can wrap them into a single class, implementing the PHPTAL_Filter interface, which would invoke the filter's chain.

require_once 'PHPTAL.php';

class FilterChain implements PHPTAL_Filter {
    private $_filters = array();

    public function add(PHPTAL_Filter $filter){
        $this->_filters[] = $filter;

    public function filter($source){
        foreach($this->_filters as $filter){
            $source = $filter->filter($source);
        return $source;

$myfilter = new FilterChain();
$myfilter->add(new CommentFilter());  // imaginary filter
$myfilter->add(new TidyFilter());     // imaginary filter

$tpl = new PHPTAL('mytemplate.xhtml');
echo $tpl->execute();