
This shows you the differences between two versions of the page.

quickstart [2014/04/02 17:00]
quickstart [2014/04/05 02:52] (current) old revision restored
Line 25: Line 25:
<code xml><p>Hello <em tal:content="who_to_greet"/>!</p></code> <code xml><p>Hello <em tal:content="who_to_greet"/>!</p></code>
 +===== Gathering of data =====
 +This is not a requirement, but good advice: avoid passing PHPTAL object (or template abstraction wrapper) around your entire program. MVC programs should be independent of their views (mental exercise: would your application break if there was no view?).
 +Instead of setting variables directly on PHPTAL object, make your methods //return// all required information. You can also pass helper objects to PHPTAL which will load data on demand.
 +<code php><?php
 +$result_array = execute_my_page();
 +$result_array['logged_in_user'] = find_logged_in_user();
 +$result_array['sidebar'] = new SidebarHelper();
 +$phptal = new PHPTAL($page_template); // create PHPTAL object *after* getting data
 +foreach($result_array as $k => $v) $phptal->set($k,$v);</code>
===== Layout template ====== ===== Layout template ======