interface PHPTAL_Filter

This interface allows you to automatically filter templates sources (pre-filters) or PHPTAL result (post-filters).

Pre filters are invoked before the template parsing and won't be invoked until the source template file is modified.

Post filters are invoked after each template execution.

require_once 'PHPTAL.php';

class MyPreFilter implements PHPTAL_Filter {
    public function filter($source){
        return $source;

class MyPostFilter implements PHPTAL_Filter {
    public function filter($xhtml){
        return $xhtml;

$tpl = new PHPTAL('mytemplate.xhtml');
$tpl->setPostFilter(new MyPostFilter());
echo $tpl->execute();

Multiple post filters

You can set only one post filter using setPostFilter(). If you have more than one filter to chain, you can wrap them into a single class, implementing the PHPTAL_Filter interface, which would invoke the filter's chain.

require_once 'PHPTAL.php';

class FilterChain implements PHPTAL_Filter {
    private $_filters = array();

    public function add(PHPTAL_Filter $filter){
        $this->_filters[] = $filter;

    public function filter($source){
        foreach($this->_filters as $filter){
            $source = $filter->filter($source);
        return $source;

$myfilter = new FilterChain();
$myfilter->add(new CommentFilter());  // imaginary filter
$myfilter->add(new TidyFilter());     // imaginary filter

$tpl = new PHPTAL('mytemplate.xhtml');
echo $tpl->execute();